Meet Soph/Soap!


“Pay attention. Be astonished. Tell about it.”

- Mary Oliver

Sophie (Soapy) Brubaker is a bubbly actor-musician, producer, and event host currently based in New York City (originally from the wild wild west aka Northern California suburbia). She slips and slides between immersive theatre, coastal cowgirl music, pop culture, emcee-ing interactive events, and basically anything that makes you want to laugh, run, jump and FEEL. For more hope, love, silliness, and wonder.

Sophie is a cheerleader for new work & imaginative, social spins on producing that work. She is a co-founder of the social storytelling company, In Confidence, which produces live performance experiences in secret, unlikely places; she also founded ColLab, an interdisciplinary and interactive producing program at Off The Lane, an arts non-profit in NYC.

Sophie is the creator and co-writer of Hootenanny Tonight! A Folk Music Experience, which had its first professional NYC workshop in September of 2023.

Hey look! Downloadable files!

What Folks Are Saying

“the ebullient guide, Sophie Brubaker”

— Forbes

“Brubaker easily steals any scene she is in, if only by her facial expressions”

— Davis Enterprise

“Sophie Brubaker adds great passion and comic genius”

— Davis Enterprise

“Sophie Brubaker is funny”

— Davis Enterprise